Tanzania Auction - March 2021 banner image

Tanzania Auction - March 2021

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
March 2021
12:00 PM CST
March 2021
07:03 PM CDT
GOAL $5,000.00
56.6% To Goal

Tanzania Auction - March 2021

Prince of Peace has a companion relationship with Bomalang'ombe and Vikongwa Lutheran congregations in Iringa Tanzania. Our relationship is built on the three pillars of Prayer, Presence and Projects.

Our auction is raising funds to several Projects that help our companions:
1) Building projects for housing and church buildings in Bomalang'ombe and Vikongwa

2) Iringa Hope, which provides micro finance and agricultural co-op support in Bomalang'ombe and other villages in the Iringa area.

Information about our 'auction closing' zoom call can be found at www.poproseville.org/TZauction

About Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Roseville Minnesota is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. When you walk into our church building you will see the words of Micah 6:8 - Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly with God.

Our Mission:
We are claimed, gathered, and sent to build the Church and love the World.

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