MRBO's Spring 2024 Auction banner image

MRBO's Spring 2024 Auction

Missouri River Bird Observatory
April 2024
03:00 PM CDT
April 2024
06:00 PM CDT
GOAL $6,000.00
78.6% To Goal

MRBO's Spring 2024 Auction

Welcome all to MRBO’s annual auction. For those who have followed our auctions, you will note that we have adjusted the dates to make this an annual spring auction. This will allow us to better share all of nature’s emerging beauty, summer excitement and fall harvest. Our theme encompasses all: FLOWERS, FLAVORS AND FUN.

This spring auction will enable MRBO to spotlight amazing native plants, specialized gardening tools, and expert advice that will foster a connection between individuals and the natural world. This is a sentiment that we all love and cherish and our pollinators benefit for the magnificent FLOWERS.

Our previous auction that focused on food and beverages, “Noshing for Nature and Sipping for Science”, was so popular that we knew you all wanted us to bring back the favorites. We have done this added a few more FLAVORS to tantalize your taste buds.

And then there is the FUN!! Experiences for all ages that offer a myriad of choices: Plein Air painting in a prairie garden; the ultimate star gazing through state of the art telescopes; a progressive dinner that brings together great food and wine and takes you through a prairie renovation. There are also outdoor activities for kids.

Thank you for participating in this year’s auction and know that you are contributing to our ongoing effort to protect and preserve wildlife and our natural resources.

About Missouri River Bird Observatory

MRBO is dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats via science, education and advocacy. Our mission is:
-To gather information about avian communities and habitat use that will assist public and private natural resource managers in their efforts to implement conservation programs.
-To provide enjoyable opportunities for people of all ages to learn about species and habitat conservation.
-To advocate for sound, science-based conservation policy that benefits birds, other wildlife and environmental quality.

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