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Marine Education & Research Society Auction 2024
It's time for the MERS Annual Auction!
Each year this auction provides crucial funds that help support MERS’ activities and core operating costs. Our research and education efforts are directed at the conservation of whales and the marine environment at large. Please see our annual report for information on what we accomplished in 2023 and the type of work this auction supports: www.mersociety.org/news-media/all/2023-mers-annual-report/
We are so grateful for the donors of these incredible items and all the bidders! We strive to fill our auction with sustainable, locally-made, and marine / conservation-themed items that align with our guiding principles.
Please note we have shortened the 2024 auction to 4 days. Make sure to get your bids in early!
Tips for the Auction
1) Search for items using the search function or by category above;
2) See something you like and want to keep an eye on? Click the heart icon on the item page or item thumbnail to add the item to your watchlist;
3) Use Proxy Bidding - A proxy bid allows you to enter the maximum amount you're willing to spend with the goal of winning the item at the lowest possible price. The system will bid for you, up to your maximum proxy bid amount, as additional bids are entered on the item;
4) Careful - don't wait until the last minute. Especially if you are not using proxy bidding. Auction ends exactly at 7pm (PDT) on May 5th.
5) Wanting to provide support even if you don't win an item? Click the red Donate button above to support our research, education, and marine wildlife response activities.
*Delivery of each item varies. Please see each item's description for delivery method and shipping costs, if applicable.*
About Marine Education & Research Society (MERS)
The Marine Education and Research Society is a registered Canadian charity working to reduce threats to marine mammals through research, education and response. Our efforts date back to 2004. We are based on NE Vancouver Island, British Columbia, CANADA, in the Territory of the Kwakwala-speaking Peoples.