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BK Virtual Auction

Bnai Keshet
April 2024
07:00 PM EDT
May 2024
06:00 PM EDT
GOAL $20,000.00
47.4% To Goal

BK Virtual Auction

What if we held an event, but didn't? No need to get a sitter, plan your outfit, make small talk, wonder what that hors d'oeuvre was. Help BK the easy way with our virtual event fundraiser. Help us close the budget gap as we head to the end of our fiscal year by bidding on all these great items. There is something for everyone from two fabulous vacation homes, Late Show VIP tickets, and fun and affordable community events. Don't delay, place a bid today!

About Bnai Keshet

Bnai Keshet (Children of the Rainbow) is a vibrant congregation affiliated with Reconstructing Judaism that values the diverse backgrounds, identities, and beliefs of our members and our shared historical traditions. We celebrate our role as participants in the evolution of Judaism; we engage our tradition thoughtfully, so Judaism remains meaningful and relevant to each of us. In this spirit, we are committed to deepening our religious and spiritual life, to hesed (caring), to life-long learning, to tikkun olam (repairing the world), and to sharing important life events. We are an informal and respectful community moved by prayer, fired by lively discussion, enlivened by laughter and song.

Proceeds from this auction will help to support the programs and activities at Bnai Keshet.

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