09:00 AM EST
08:30 PM EST
HHYF/USHWA 2024 Silent Auction
Each year, the Harness Horse Youth Foundation and the United States Harness Writers Association join forces to host a silent auction in conjunction with the Dan Patch Awards Dinner, a festive event which honors the previous year's outstanding Standardbreds and people. Welcome to the 2024 HHYF/USHWA Silent Auction and we hope you find and item (or two) you simply can't live without!
To see pictures of these items, please click this link
Hambletonian Champagne
Two bottles of limited edition Hambletonian champagne from acclaimed champagne maker Nicolas Maillart and the VDLT Wine Community. The labels feature the 1989 memorable Hambletonian dead heat finish (Park Avenue Joe/Probe) and the iconic image of Rysdyk’s Hambletonian. Two flutes are also included.
Antique Hitched Pedal Horse
A must-have for the harness or toy collector - adorable antique hitched pedal horse! Disclaimer: pedals/wheels not currently in working order. Fabulous piece! Successful bidder arranges shipping at the conclusion of the auction. Dimensions: 45x30x15 inches
Playful Foal & Dam Statue
Mare and playful foal statue from Drakes Interiors in PA. Successful purchaser arranges shipping at the conclusion of the auction. Weighs 16.5 pounds. Dimensions: 13x9 inches
Siegelman Swag black
Black tee (L) and classic black/tan cap - casual yet trendy!
Unlike our online auction offerings, only those present at the Dan Patch Awards Dinner can bid. Interested but not attending? Connect with a guest that is to bid on your behalf.
About Harness Horse Youth Foundation & USHWA
Harness Horse Youth Foundation's mission is to introduce and educate young people and their families about Standardbreds. Our programs include summer hands-on events, the creation of resources like activity boxes and The Guide to Careers in Horse Racing as well as offering scholarships. For more complete information, please visit www.hhyf.org
United States Harness Writers Association is the only media organization in harness racing with a membership of newspaper, magazine, radio and TV, ad agency, publicists and others involved in racing communications. Most of USHWA’s members belong to one of 12 chapters. The association strives to bring about a closer relationship among the media, racetracks and horsemen to promote a centuries-old American-bred sport. For more complete information, please visit www.usharnesswriters.com.