14th Annual Silent Auction

Western Massachusetts Climber's Coalition
March 2021
12:00 PM EDT
April 2021
08:50 PM EDT

About Our Auction

The Silent is Auction is the WMCC's biggest fundraiser of the year. Auction revenue will help protect your local crags! Your support directly benefits the places you love by paying for the porta potty at the Farley lot, new trail signs, kiosks, trail work, and WMCC operating costs.

Just over a year ago, the WMCC purchased a cliff in Sandisfield, MA called Hanging Mountain with the help of the Ragged Mountain Foundation and the Access Fund. We are working to pay back the Access Fund Climbing Conservation loan so that they can loan the money out to other orgs making land acquisitions.

Join us at 7:00pm on April 3rd for a Silent Auction Zoom party! All attendees get one entry to the raffle for Sterling rope. We'll have some fun chatting with hosts Carsten and Pete, answering some trivia for a chance to win more prizes, and learning a bit more about the WMCC.

Join Zoom party: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85763212736?pwd=OWJMcXJ2U0diRTQwZW1hWWdaeXlxdz09

About Western Massachusetts Climber's Coalition

Western Massachusetts Climbers Coalition (WMCC) is a small nonprofit fueled by volunteers. The mission of the WMCC is to build inclusive relationships with diverse advocacy groups, state and local governments, landowners, and conservation groups to keep climbing areas open and accessible to climbers from all backgrounds, and to conserve the climbing environment in Western Massachusetts.

The WMCC stewards over 13 climbing areas in Western MA, including the popular sport climbing destination, Farley Ledges. In Nov. 2019, the WMCC, with the help of the Ragged Mountain Foundation and the Access Fund, purchased a cliff in Sandisfield, MA called Hanging Mountain. We continue to develop Hanging Mountain through the Route Development Mentorship program and to steward our local climbing areas through the Trail Stewardship Program.

If you want to donate or get involved, you can find out more at climbgneiss.org and @wmcc_climb_gneiss . #ClimbGneiss

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