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About Our Auction
The first two years of the Stevenson Streatery were a huge success and we heard loud and clear from the community to bring it back!
Once again, the Stevenson Downtown Association worked with community members to create this year's Streatery. The Streatery is a public gathering space for locals and visitors alike. Folks can bring take out meals from local restaurants to enjoy in a picnic area in the heart of downtown. People can have business meetings over coffee in the morning sunshine. Workers can open their laptops in the shade. Local kids can meet up with their friends over an ice cream cone. It's a place to meet, a place to gather.
The focal point of the Streatery is the collective public art presented on each of the picnic tables created by local artists who generously gave their time to this project. Along with 12 artist volunteers donating their skills to the colorful designs within a "Gorge critters" theme, there were also the students in Stevenson High School wood shop class (Ruff - Cutts) that built the tables. Additional community volunteers sanded and primed the tables, planted flowers, and installed the fencing and lights. The Stevenson Streatery is a true community project!
In the auction this year are 16 picnic tables (eight four-tops and eight two-tops). Local artists painted 13 of the tables. Our Board and staff painted the checkerboard table. There is one "blank slate four-top" and one "your logo gets painted here two-top", plus six flower planters. All 22 items are available to bid on beginning at noon, October 1 through noon, October 13.
NEW THIS YEAR is a straight up DONATE option! Are you interested in giving a monetary donation separate from auction bidding? Click the green DONATE button in the upper right corner of the welcome page. You choose your donation amount.
All proceeds support the Stevenson Downtown Association to promote & revitalize Downtown Stevenson and enrich its local heritage. We welcome you to bid on your favorite table to support the vitality of Downtown Stevenson. Good luck and good bidding!
About Stevenson Downtown Association
The Stevenson Downtown Association is a local 501(c)3 non-profit Main Street organization passionate about downtown Stevenson, Washington.
We are a coalition of local business owners, public officials and community leaders working to promote and revitalize downtown Stevenson and enrich our local heritage.
The Stevenson Downtown Association is a Washington Main Street Community and an affiliate of Main Street America.
By embracing the Main Street Approach, we envision a historically preserved, economically vibrant downtown where locals and visitors alike come together for community, culture and connection to the Columbia River.
Our Main Street projects and programs, like the Stevenson Streatery, are volunteer-powered! We are always looking for community volunteers to help carry out our work. Join us!