Smirkus Holiday Auction 2023

Circus Smirkus
November 2023
09:00 AM EST
November 2023
10:11 PM EST
GOAL $15,000.00
68.7% To Goal

About Circus Smirkus

Circus Smirkus was founded in 1987 to promote the skills, culture and traditions of the traveling circus and to inspire youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the circus arts. Our three programs – Smirkus Camp, Big Top Tour, and School Residencies – reach more than 45,000 children and adults annually throughout New England, creating immersive experiences for youth and actively engaging the local communities where we perform.

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About Our Auction

Welcome to Circus Smirkus’s online Holiday Auction! The holiday season is a time for generosity, and we’ve created a virtual marketplace filled with extraordinary items and experiences that will make your holiday season extra special. Our auction is more than just a place to find unique gifts and experiences. Every dollar spent will support the dreams and aspirations of our remarkable young artists and help us share the transformative power of Circus Smirkus with communities and audiences across New England. Let’s come together to make this holiday season a little more joyful, a little more compassionate, and a lot more meaningful!