At Midnight PST
04:03 PM PST
About Our Auction
We’re excited to have you check out our online silent auction and the great array of items we're offering! Be sure to join us at our 4th annual Valentine’s Party & Fundraiser on Thursday, February 10, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., which will be livestreamed on Zoom.
You may also purchase any of our "live auction" items listed on the site, which are available at a "buy now" price. If these items are not sold by February 10, they will be available at our live auction at the separate, and significantly lower, minimum bid price at the livestreamed event. To register, visit: http://sfprrt.org/?p=3734&preview=true.
The San Francisco Public Relations Round Table's 2022 online auction is the primary source of funding for our signature public service, the Philip N. McCombs Scholarship Program, which gives out thousands of dollars a year to Bay Area college students majoring in public relations and related fields of study.
This year's auction items showcase some of the many talents of our members, as well as the many and varied delights of life in the Bay Area. We hope you will share the SFPRRT 2022 silent auction page and your bids with all your colleagues and friends. The online auction remains open from Tuesday, January 25, through Thursday, February 10, at 4 p.m.
If you wish to make a direct donation to the scholarship fund, you may also use the green "donate" button at the top right of the page. Please contact Paul Rose at pwr12@hotmail.com with any questions.
About San Francisco Public Relations Round Table
Founded in 1939, the San Francisco Public Relations Round Table is one of the oldest PR organizations in the nation. The Round Table welcomes senior members of PR firms and senior-level PR and communications managers in business, professional, trade, non-profit and government organizations who want to keep in touch with other colleagues in communications and support our scholarship fund for upcoming PR students.
At our luncheon meetings in downtown San Francisco (which we are currently live streaming due to the pandemic), we hear from leading local journalists, PR specialists and practitioners in PR-related fields. In 2018, we are also introducing an evening member mixer.
We are proud of our tradition of informal exchange with guests from the media, who give us their perspective on trends, issues and personalities in the news, and with other professionals who share their experience in all aspects of communications — from handling a major crisis to surviving a merger, from launching a complex new product to taking a company public.
If you want to sharpen your professional insights and expand your network of experienced peers, we encourage you to join us at one of our upcoming meetings.
Our meetings provide an opportunity to network with colleagues and clients, and our annual Valentine's Party & Fundraiser supports the Public Relations Round Table’s Phillip N. McCombs Scholarship Fund for San Francisco Bay Area university students studying communications, public relations, journalism and marketing.
Members receive our annual, members-only roster of top Bay Area communicators and our E-Bulletin informing them about upcoming events and colleagues in the news.