St. Rita Fall Festival Silent Auction 2023

Church of St. Rita
September 2023
08:00 AM CDT
September 2023
12:00 PM CDT
GOAL $9,000.00
135.7% REACHED!

About Our Auction

The Fall Festival, including a Silent Auction, is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds from the festival will be used for building improvements and ministries that better serve the community. With past Fall Festival funds we recently completed a building addition for pre-K through adult education that also provides community outreach such as meals for those in need. With your help with this auction we can continue to contribute to community outreach and ministries.

Please note: All events are non-parish sponsored events. All goods and services have been donated by third parties. Bidders acknowledge, when making a bid, the Church of St. Rita and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis bear no responsibility or liability for donated goods, services, performance or non-performance of services. Additionally, by placing your bid, the bidder understands and acknowledges that the Church of St. Rita and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis are not responsible for any claims of loss, damage or negligence connected with the donated goods or services.

About Church of St. Rita

The Church of St. Rita is a Catholic parish of over 1400 families in Cottage Grove, MN. Its mission includes working to promote the Gospel values of justice, peace, respect for life and outreach to the poor. It is a community where ALL are welcomed and valued.

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