Saffron Strand Holiday Silent Auction

Saffron Strand, Inc.
December 2015
07:00 AM PST
December 2015
07:00 PM PST
GOAL $5,000.00
17.5% To Goal

About Our Auction

All proceeds support programming at Saffron Strand, Inc., which helps get homeless people and those at risk of homelessness off the streets and back to work.

About Saffron Strand, Inc.

Saffron Strand, Inc. is a unique 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization whose mission is to get homeless people and those at risk of homelessness off the streets and back to work for the long term. The homeless who join Saffron Strand become members of an all-volunteer intentional community that is dedicated to getting all members back to work. Homeless members help run the organization, including our national annual Homeless Workforce Conferences that provide specialized employment services training for professionals and others who help vulnerable populations.

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