RedhawkTHON 15 Silent Auction banner image

RedhawkTHON 15 Silent Auction

RedhawkTHON at Seattle University
June 2022
08:00 AM PDT
June 2022
03:30 PM PDT
GOAL $5,000.00
26.0% To Goal

RedhawkTHON 15 Silent Auction

RedhawkTHON is a student-lead organization on Seattle University that benefits Seattle Children's Hospital. The organization raises funds each year for the Uncompensated Care Fund and Cancer Immunotherapy Research through various fundraising and community driven events. The money raised from this auction will directly impacts those two funds.

RedhawkTHON believes that every child deserves a childhood and that families shouldn't have to worry about the financial burden of their child's treatment. RedhawkTHON's fundraising ensures that families can focus on being there for their child while still receiving the best care for their child at Seattle Children's.

If you would like to donate today, please click the red "donate" button in the right corner of your screen!

About RedhawkTHON at Seattle University

RedhawkTHON is a student-lead organization on Seattle University that benefits Seattle Children's Hospital. The organization raises funds each year for the Uncompensated Care Fund and Cancer Immunotherapy Research through various fundraising and community driven events. RedhawkTHON believes that every child deserves a childhood and that families' shouldn't have to worry about the financial burden of their child's treatment. RedhawkTHON's fundraising ensures that families can focus on being there for their child while still receiving the best care for their child at Seattle Children's.

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