Diabetes National Institute, "Phantom Auction 2019

Diabetes National Institute
May 2019
04:00 PM EDT
November 2019
04:00 PM EST
GOAL $5,000.00
36.0% To Goal

About Our Auction

The “Diabetes National Institute’ (501C3, EIN 52-2184099 ) is thrilled to host the ‘Phantom Auction’ 2019!!

Please help us to create better lives for children with diabetes in our community!

All proceeds from the auction go to help children with diabetes through the Medstar Georgetown University hospital.

Place your bid today, and help us make it happen!

Please also consider to make a donation for this cause, through the donation link at the top side of the auction page

Thank you in advance for partnering with us to cure juvenile diabetes.


About Diabetes National Institute

Diabetes National Institute is first and foremost a growing campaign against diabetes and a community effort to enrich the lives of people with diabetes. Our mission is to provide free services and create a warm and supportive atmosphere where people with diabetes, their families, and the public can engage, learn, and build a greater understanding of diabetes.

Learn More