Annual Fall Panda Auction banner image

Annual Fall Panda Auction

Pandas International
October 2018
06:00 AM MDT
October 2018
02:08 PM MDT

Annual Fall Panda Auction

Funds raised during our fall auction will go towards helping to purchase distemper vaccines for the Pandas in the spring. In 2014-2015, four giant pandas at the Shaanxi Wild Animal Research Center in Shaanxi province died from canine distemper. In order to prevent this tragedy in any other pandas, Pandas International has been providing distemper vaccines to all the captive pandas including the pandas at Shaanxi. Insuring the preservation of the pandas is a significant part of our mission so we are proud to provide this essential vaccine.

About Pandas International

The mission of Pandas International, a nonprofit organization, is to ensure the preservation and propagation of the endangered Giant Panda. Pandas International provides public awareness and education, support for research, habitat preservation and enhancement, and assistance to Giant Panda Centers.

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