2023 Of Love Silent Auction

Of Love
July 2023
01:45 PM MDT
August 2023
05:00 PM MDT
GOAL $20,000.00
103.0% REACHED!

About Our Auction

The purpose of this non-profit silent auction is to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), the Utah Tennis Foundation, and the University of Utah's Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center. If you don't find an item that interests you, please consider making a donation by clicking "Donate Money" on this page.

About Of Love

The Ardene Bullard Of Love Tournament and Fundraiser is an annual tennis event to raise money for juvenile diabetes research in memory of Ardene R. Bullard. It is currently one of the largest tennis tournaments in the state of Utah and one of the biggest fundraisers for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

The Of Love Tournament was originally organized by Lonnie Bullard as a memorial to his late wife, Ardene, who was an avid tennis player. We have since spread the focus of the tournament to supporting the search for a cure for Type 1 diabetes. Proceeds from this event will benefit the JDRF and the Utah Tennis Foundation.

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