09:00 AM PST
09:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
Our annual Black & White Gala is a fun event held every year, and is also the largest fundraiser of the year at MPUUC. The items auctioned off in the service auction portion of the gala provide year-round fun and fellowship for MPUUC members and their friends while also providing much needed funds to keep MPUUC going strong.
About Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fremont was founded in 1993. We are a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.
The foundation of Mission Peak is love. We are a spiritual community of open minds, nurturing growth and healing in ourselves and all people. Together we strive to live compassionately and courageously as we work for a nonviolent, just and sustainable world.