11:00 PM MDT
At Midnight MDT
About Our Auction
The auction is used to support the conferences which are designed specifically for education for organizations, leaders and those supporting Employment sciences such as executive coaches, human resources, talent managers etc.
We have created an intimate environment for ongoing dialogue to assist firms in preparing for long-term success through the use of employment sciences and to prepare for the unforeseen future.
To continue our mission and to offset the cost of our annual conference we hold an annual silent auction. This is truly value add opportunity to increase your knowledge portfolio at remarkable prices.
The items are carefully selected to make a positive difference in organizations and for individual professionals such as executive coaches.
NOTE: If you do not select the "buy now" option you may be out-bid at the live event in San Diego on Oct 18th 2019
About MEECO Leadership Institute™
In the spirit of continuous learning and knowledge sharing, we look forward to your attending the 2019 MEECO Leadership Conference on Oct 16-18, in San Diego, California. For details visit: https://meeco-conference2019.org
The conferences are designed specifically for both Organization Leaders and Executive Coaches. We have created an intimate environment for ongoing dialogue to assist firms in preparing for long-term success and to prepare for the unforeseen future.
To continue our mission and to offset the cost of our annual conference have a silent auction. This is truly value opportunity for those bidding on the items in our fundraiser.
The items are carefully selected to make a positive difference in the leaders or executive coaches' portfolio.
NOTE: If you do not select the "buy now" option you may be out-bid at the live event in San Diego California on October 16th 2019
We are a 501C3 education not-for-profit think tank, research and information/ resource sharing institute for corporations, institutions, and government agencies interested in improving the employee experience which will improve the structures bottom line.
We partner with various universities worldwide and organizations to conduct leading-edge research in the areas of workforce coaching and the management of talent.
Live Event Information
No information provided.Featured Items
001 - Personal Directions® by MRG
Explore motivations, and how they affected the choices they have made.
002 - CDR Assessment Group, Inc.
CDR Coaching Certification Workshop
003 - The Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ 360
LEA 360™ Suite of Leadership Assessments
004 - Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholders Centered ...
2-Day Individual Coach Certification
006 - Individual Directions Inventory™ by MRG
Measure the degree to which an individual gains emotional satisfaction from various areas of work
007 - Coaching Mindset Index Certification
When your coaching clients need to develop critical coaching skills, where do you start?
Benchmarks for Managers 360
008 - Experience CCL's "Benchmarks for Managers 360"
Birkman Personality Assessment Certification
Advanced Personality Analysis
SupportingLines Framework Certification
Leadership effectiveness. Performance structure.
Team Effectiveness Survey Practitioner Group Certi
Helps teams at all organizational levels unleash their performance.