Literary Agents for Trans Texans

Literary Agents for Trans Texans
March 2022
09:00 AM EST
March 2022
11:06 PM EDT
GOAL $3,000.00
175.0% REACHED!

About Our Auction

I (Sarah Fisk, literary agent at Tobias Literary) wanted to do something to support trans folks in Texas who are under attack due to their Governor's bigotry. As a nonbinary person who went to high school in a very small Texas town, this hits close to home.

So invited the agents at my agency as well as other literary agent friends to donate items for a small auction!

Funds will be donated to the Transgender Education Network of Texas ( After the auction closes, you'll send us proof of your donation and then we'll contact you to arrange for your item.

FAQ: What does AMA mean?
Ans: Ask Me Anything. It just means a q&a chat with the agent!

I'll be choosing a random bidder from any item who does not end up winning an item to do a 45 minute AMA with me as well (if you want it). I'll just ask you to donate an amount of your choice to TENT. I know what it's like to not be able to afford these auction items when they start going up so I want to give someone this chance.

About Literary Agents for Trans Texans

I (Sarah Fisk, literary agent at Tobias Literary) wanted to do something to support trans folks in Texas who are under attack due to their Governor's bigotry. As a nonbinary person who went to high school in a very small Texas town, this hits close to home.

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