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07:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
Today, November 19, is World Toilet Day; a day to raise awareness about the 2.5 billion people around the globe who lack access to sanitation.
And while we may think this problem exists only in 3rd world countries, the truth is that even here, in our 1st world country, there are thousands that struggle to find toilets to use.
The good news is that Lava Mae is coming to the rescue! In addition to the showers on each of our mobile hygiene units, we will also have two private toilets. And because we're mobile, we can reach people where they are.
We've invited six amazing and highly regarded artists / designers (Maloos Anvarian, Ana Teresa Fernandez, Sarah Ratchye, Jeff Shipley, Travis Somerville, and Monica Viarengo) to "pimp" out a toilet. They've each created something unique and beautiful.
The toilets can be yours. Make a bid now and become the proud owner of what promises to be a hugely collectible sculpture/work of art. Your purchase will enable Lava Mae to close the gap on sanitation for the people who are forced to make the streets of our communities their home.
About Lava Mae
Lava Mae we believe that everyone has a right to be clean. That's why we're launching a mobile shower and toilet service for the homeless. Our goal is to deliver dignity one shower at a time.