PMHA - Larry Orr Memorial Tournament

PMHA  - Larry Orr Memorial Tournament
October 2021
09:45 PM PDT
October 2021
09:00 AM PDT
GOAL $1,000.00
110.1% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Funds raised are split between the PMHA Bantam teams for extra training sessions both on and off ice and tournaments for the teams to attend. Thank you in advance for your time and support!

About PMHA - Larry Orr Memorial Tournament

Peninsula Minor Hockey lost a great supporter of youth sports with the passing of local legend, Larry Orr in 2015. To honour Larry’s amazing contributions to our community, we host an annual Bantam Tier 2 and 3 Rep tournament in his memory. More than ever this year does our community NEED this tournament - all kids need to get back to playing the game they love just for the love of the game after the past year we have all dealt and this is what Larry would have loved about this years event

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