Kona Daifukuji Taiko Silent Auction

Kona Daifukuji Taiko
November 2023
07:00 AM HST
November 2023
09:06 PM HST
GOAL $10,000.00
162.7% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Konnichiwa & Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu for your interest and support of our Kona Daifukuji Youth Taiko Group Silent Auction!

100% of all funds raised will be used to help defray trip costs for 12 youth participants and 2 instructors to travel to Japan in July of 2024. The purpose of the trip is for the children to be enriched and inspired by both varied cultural experiences, as well as valuable hands-on taiko instruction from qualified instructors.

To earn this opportunity, all of the participants have been practicing diligently, 2-3 times a week, for over 5 years. We hope that with the assistance of our generous community donors, taiko families and YOUR support, we will be able to provide as much financial support to our keiki as possible.


About Kona Daifukuji Taiko

Kona Daifukuji Taiko is a non-profit, multi-ethnic youth performance group formed in 1988 by Reverend Ryuji Tamiya of the Daifukuji Soto Mission of Kona, Hawaii.

Under the direction of Sensei Akemi Iwamoto, the Kona Daifukuji Taiko performs throughout the year at various community events on the Big Island.

Through the years, the members have been blessed to receive instruction from many Taiko masters and artists from Hawaii, the Mainland and Japan.

In the summer of 2024, the members are planning a trip to Japan to learn more about the art of Taiko.

私達コナ大福寺ユース太鼓は1988年、当時住職を勤めていたタミヤ リュウジ先生により設立されました。
35年目を迎え、現指導者であるアケミ イワモトはタミヤ先生の教え子。熱心に子供達を指導して下さいます。


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