08:30 AM EDT
10:00 PM EDT
2021 Casino Night Auction
We won't let a pandemic stifle our passion for helping IACS students! Yes, it's unfortunate that we can't hold our live Casino Night event, and we're sure you'll miss trying to outbid each other for those awesome dessert trays, but consider bidding high and often to help our cause from the comfort of your computer (or phone). Our goal is to raise $10,000 to benefit the students of IACS.
Will you help us reach our goal?
Just looking to donate without bidding? Click on the green donate button above, any amount will help us in reaching our goal.
About Innovation Academy Community Association
Our mission is to support the students of Innovation Academy by providing enrichment opportunities, enabling advancement of exceptional athletes and creating social opportunities for our students to become part of a global community.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Featured Items

2 Tickets to Aerosmith at Fenway Park

Apple Watch 6

Autographed Baseball - Red Sox - Bobby Dalbec

Camp Cody - Ossipee Lake Freedom NH
$1250 gift card for tuition at Camp Cody

Facial and Flowers

Golf Clubs with Stand Bag and Box of balls
Top Flight 13 Piece complete set with stand bag
Lakefront Getaway

Surprise Prize

Take Me Out To The Ballgame! 4 Tix to the Red Sox