10:00 AM CDT
09:30 PM CDT
About Our Auction
You're invited to participate in our Ex Libris: Local Flavor silent auction! You do not have to be a guest of our Ex Libris fundraiser to bid or to win. Choose from a wide variety of items, including gift cards to local businesses; beer, wine and spirits; sporting event tickets; priceless experience packages; hotel stays; and more! All proceeds support Madison Public Library in its efforts to spark literacy and lifelong learning.
Win Items in an Instant!
See something you've just got to have and don't want competition? Choose the Buy Now purchase option! You won't waste any time watching your item and outbidding others. Plus, for every Buy Now purchase you make, you'll be entered in a drawing to win a free pair of tickets to Ex Libris in 2024.
About Madison Public Library Foundation
Madison Public Library Foundation mobilizes the Madison community to continuously improve, promote, and support Madison Public Library. Your gifts allow us to take the library beyond city funding to a new level of excellence designed to reach the whole community, because libraries are for everyone. A Madison, Wisconsin nonprofit organization, the foundation fuels literacy, opportunity, and lifelong learning through equal access to free resources. Our work relies on charitable donations, corporate sponsorships, grants, fundraising event support, and other generous investments that help us build better libraries every day.