Healing and Growing with the Earth

EarthWalk-Ojai Community
April 2016
05:00 AM PDT
May 2016
10:00 PM PDT
GOAL $2,000.00
32.8% To Goal

About Our Auction

We have been laying the foundation to birth EarthWalk-Ojai, a Spiritual Community.

The funds raised will go toward the finalization to make this a charitable organization and to get it up and running.

Any excess funds will help support activities already under the EarthWalk-Ojai umbrella like Starseed Farms and Earth School, and any others that wish to become a part of this community.

About EarthWalk-Ojai Community

EarthWalk is a growing community of people who feel a deep resonance with our mother earth and want deep connection and presence with the four worlds of Grandmother Earth: The mineral world, the plant world, the animal world and the human world.

It is a space where we can come together as a community to fully unfold, nurture, express and share our gifts with those that can benefit from the uniqueness and diversity that we were born with. It is a place we can be of service in a way that brings joy both to ourselves and to those that we serve.

It is a community of people who pay attention to the Sacred Marriage of Masculine and Feminine, Spirit and Substance, Earth and Sky, a place where people believe that we are born into physical form to gain experience so that our souls can evolve.

It is a community of people who know that who we are and how we interact with each other and the world makes a difference.

Earthwalk is a place to celebrate our spiritual path, no matter what that path is or how we travel it, in community with those that resonate with that path. It is a solid energetic container that holds the highest and greatest good of all concerned.

It trusts God/Source in all it’s forms.

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