09:00 AM EDT
09:00 PM EDT
About Our Auction
Help to support land conservation through our online auction! We hope you'll join in the fun. All proceed help us to further our mission: To preserve and protect Dartmouth’s natural resources for people and nature, forever.
If you'd like to see any items in person, please come by our office anytime from 9-5 M-F. If that timing does not work for you, please email kendra@dnrt.org and we can arrange an afterhours viewing.
About Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust (DNRT)
DNRT is a non-profit, membership-supported land trust with a mission “To preserve and protect Dartmouth’s natural resources for people and nature, forever.” Over the last 53 years, it has worked in partnership with other conservation organizations, state agencies and the Town of Dartmouth to protect more than 5,500 acres of natural areas and farmland in Dartmouth.