10:00 AM EST
06:15 PM EST
About Our Auction
2020 CSHA Stallion Service Auction – February 1 – February 16, 2020
Bidding closing time: 6:00 pm E.S.T. Sunday, February 16, 2020, closing times will be adjusted to 3-minute closing increments if bid received within 3 minutes of closing.
A second round of unsold items will start 10:00 am EST, Monday, February 17, 2020 and run to 8:00pm EST, Tuesday, February 18, 2020.
Payment required following closing of auction: Visa, MasterCard, E-Transfer or PayPal
CSHA Stallion Service Auction: Mare Owner Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions shall govern the CSHA Stallion Service Auction:
1. The CSHA Stallion Service Auction is being run online only. Be advised that bids will be accepted online only, NOT by mail, phone, fax or any other means.
2. The MINIMUM BID FOR HORSES AND PONIES WILL BE HALF THE CURRENT STUD FEE, which will be shown in Canadian dollars. The winning bidder agrees to pay directly to the stallion owner the booking fee (if requested) and all other expenses associated with breeding the mare, such as but not limited to per day mare care, shipped semen and/or veterinary expenses, etc.
3. Every bidder, and thus the winning bidder, agrees to contact the stallion owner for all mare care costs and all veterinary expenses incurred during breeding. IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE FEES, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BIDDER TO CONTACT THE STALLION OWNER/AGENT PRIOR TO THE BIDDING.
4. Bidders will also contact the stallion owner prior to bidding to ensure that the bidder’s mare meets the approval of the stallion owner. THE WINNING BIDDER AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS OF THE STALLION OWNER’S CONTRACT FOR THAT STALLION.
5. Payment for the winning bids will be requested at auction close. Should payment not be received in full the bid will be considered null and void and default to the next highest bid.
6. If only one bid is received on a stallion the bidder is obligated to purchase the bid.
7. Bidders may bid on more than one stallion simultaneously.
9. Should a stallion die or become unfit for service prior to breeding the buyer’s mare, the buyer shall contact the Canadian Sport Horse Association and the CSHA will notify the stallion owner and any money paid for the stud service will be refunded and shall constitute payment in full for any damages that may be incurred by the buyer or his/her agent.
10. The stallion services offered in this auction are intended for the 2020 breeding season. ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE MADE AND APPROVED BY THE STALLION OWNER/BREEDING AGENT FOR THE USE OF THE BREEDING BEYOND THE 2020 BREEDING SEASON.
11. There are no guarantees of conception or delivery of a live foal from the Canadian Sport Horse Association.
12. Refunds will be issued ONLY in cases where the stallion dies or becomes unfit for service prior to servicing the mare. Being unaware of booking fees and/or additional fees over and above the auction bid is NOT grounds for a refund.
13. The winning bidder agrees and acknowledges that he/she fully realizes that there is a possible danger of injury or death in the breeding of horses and the attendant care of the mare. The winning bidder voluntarily assumes all risk of accident, injury or death to said mare and specifically releases the Canadian Sport Horse Association, its officers, employees and agents from all liability for any and all injury or disability suffered by or sickness or death of the mare or foal from any cause whatsoever, and specifically waives any and all claims resulting from such injury, disability, illness or death.
14. The winning bidder specifically acknowledges and understands that the Canadian Sport Horse Association makes no warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied or by any other means of interpretation in connection with this agreement. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD BY THE WINNING BIDDER THAT THE CANADIAN SPORT HORSE ASSOCIATION IS ACTING AS NOTHING MORE THAN A SELLING AGENT OF THE STALLION SERVICE, AND THE STALLION OWNER IN TURN HAS AGREED TO CONTRIBUTE THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE STALLION SERVICE FEE TO THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CANADIAN SPORT HORSE ASSOCIATION.
15. Registrations of foals resulting from this breeding are subject to the established breeding rules and regulations of the Canadian Sport Horse Association.
16. All foals resulting from this year’s stallion service auction will be eligible for FREE FOAL REGISTRATION with the Canadian Sport Horse Association provided foal meets registration requirements.
About Canadian Sport Horse Association
The CSHA is incorporated under Agriculture Canada’s Animal Pedigree Act as an Evolving Breed. This designation provides the Canadian Sport Horse breeders the freedom and flexibility to plan individual breeding programs based on market trends and genetic science. At the same time, breeders benefit from the credibility of registering their stock with a longstanding studbook that is respected worldwide. The CSHA is also a member of the World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses and breed member affiliate of Equine Canada.
The CSHA and its membership are part of the equine and agriculture communities in Canada with a goal to ensure a viable future for members by providing assistance and developing programs to ensure that future domestically and internationally. Our mandate is to promote the awareness of Canadian Sport Horses, to keep records, organize inspections and to provide information and assist breeders with trustworthy registration in keeping with respected International standards.