2023 Evening of Hope Comedy Show!

In the Hour of Need Family Shelter (IHN)
April 2023
At Midnight EDT
April 2023
08:52 PM EDT
GOAL $12,000.00
64.2% To Goal

About Our Auction

Once again friends, it comes down to you. We absolutely would not be here without you, and we cannot go on without you! And the show - and the shelter - must go on.

Please give as generously as you can. Every dollar goes directly to the program and into house maintenance.

Your time, talent and tonight, treasure, make this organization - and all of the families who have pulled themselves out of homelessness - possible!


About In the Hour of Need Family Shelter (IHN)

We are a privately-run and funded homeless shelter and support service organization for homeless families with children under 18. Your participation will make a meaningful difference in our community.

Guests at IHN’s shelter are homeless families who have been denied access to the state-funded shelter system. They have no place left to turn. Through our dedicated staff and broad network of approximately 1,000 volunteers from 28 faith-based congregations and the community at large, IHN provides housing and support to families in their greatest time of need. Over the past 26 years, IHN is proud to have sheltered 450 families, with 75% securing housing, and 90% of those maintaining it for at least 2 years.

IHN is unique in our approach to stem the problem of homelessness. The aim is to stabilize families, help them regain independence, and support their efforts to maintain self-sufficiency once they leave the program. The families’ needs are met through shelter, clothing, food, and personal hygiene products. The staff assists them in becoming self-reliant, finding housing and employment; working toward reducing debt; identifying the cause of their homelessness; classes including money management, employment skills, parenting, and nutritional health.

100% of your donation goes directly to fund our program! Thank you for your support!

Learn More