2023 Holiday Silent Auction

Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce
November 2023
09:00 AM PST
November 2023
11:00 AM PST
GOAL $5,000.00
150.0% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Like many small businesses, Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre is recovering from the effects of COVID 19. Many of our revenue streams have been impacted: lower retail sales, reduced municipal grants and increased staffing to cover volunteers who have not returned to service following the pandemic

This online Silent Auction will help to support the ongoing year-round operations of the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre, which typically serves 30,000 visitors annually, directing them to Duncan and Cowichan businesses and attractions. We are seeing an increase in US and International visitors, as well as experiencing continued growth in local, mainland and Prairie visitors looking to explore our fabulous region

About Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce

The Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce has been representing business since 1908. The Chamber provides professional development, networking, cost savings and advocacy for over 620fffffff members. The Chamber also operates the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre that serves over 30,000 visitors annually, providing information and referrals for all that Cowichan has to offer.

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