09:00 AM PST
07:00 PM PST
About Our Auction
The CCHA Stallion Auction is back and will once again benefit the highly successful Canadian Cutting Horse Association Finals and NCHA Aurora Circuit Finals for 2024.
The NCHA Aurora Circuit already matches the well-established and historical Canadian Cutting Horse Association area of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The CCHA celebrates the Canadian champions, the circuit finals, our amazing contingency of weekend cutters, and so much more.
We are extremely thankful that stallion owners, as well as veterinarians, who have donated breedings to the CCHA stallion auction this year in support of our industry and weekend cutters. Please pay careful attention when bidding on specifications around breeding. If you have any specific questions about the breeding terms, please contact the stallion management/owner directly at the contact information listed per stallion.
Thank you for supporting the CCHA Stallion Auction!
Our logo features one of Canada's great stallions; Smokin Smooth Dually. Smokin Smooth Dually is owned by Scott and Darlene Wardley, who have generously donated to and supported the CCHA Stallion Auction since it's beginning in 2021.
About Canadian Cutting Horse Association
CCHA has NCHA affiliates that comprise of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Each affiliate holds NCHA shows yearly from April to middle of October. The CCHA approves over 25 cutting horse competitions throughout the year. At every recognized show fresh cattle practice is generally held, and a string cow/flag is available all weekend.
The CCHA is a very upbeat atmosphere, family oriented and yet competitive in spirt. At the year end we host a general meeting, fabulous dinner banquet and exceptional awards! Our members have fun and enjoy cutting across Canada. We are proud to say our members have repeatedly been in the top 10 World Standings and won NCHA World Championships!