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About Our Auction
The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) created the Pat Griffin Fund in 2007 to support nursing education research. Research on nursing education is vital to prepare high-quality nurses for the complex roles they play in our health care systems, and the Pat Griffin fund is one of the only sources providing financial support to research in this field. It was named and launched in honour of the late Dr. Pat L. Griffin who was a strong advocate for nursing education research to ensure the best care for all Canadians.
Each year, a nurse educator is selected from nominations to receive the CASN Pat Griffin Nursing Education Research Scholar Award, and the funds are provided to the award recipient to assist them in advancing their research program and in mentoring new researchers.
About Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
CASN/ACESI (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières) is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.
The objectives of CASN/ACESI are:
To lead nursing education and nursing scholarship in the interest of healthier Canadians.
- Speaks for Canadian nursing education and scholarship
- Establishes and promotes national standards of excellence for
nursing education
- Promotes the advancement of nursing knowledge
- Facilitates the integration of theory, research and practice
- Contributes to public policy
- Provides a national forum for issues in nursing education and
- CASN/ACESI is a bilingual organization.
CASN/ACESI is . . .
- A voluntary association representative of all universities and colleges
which offer part or all of an undergraduate or graduate degree in
- The official accrediting agency for university nursing programs in
- A member of the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- A member of the Canadian Consortium for Research and the Network
for the Advancement of Health Services Research
associated with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
- A member of national and international networks for discussion of
issues in higher education and nursing