Valentine's Day

Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary
February 2024
10:30 AM EST
February 2024
06:03 PM EST

About Our Auction

We are always looking at how we can improve the lives of our monkeys and residents. Space is always a key factor. This year we are hoping to enlarge the enclosures for Mr. Jenkins and Max for a total cost of over $50,000. Along with the kindness of all who have donated items for the auction, we hope you will help us achieve our goal.

About Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary

As Canada’s only monkey sanctuary, Story Book Farm’s mission is to provide a safe home and an enriching long-term environment for non-human primates who have been rendered stateless due to a variety of unfortunate scenarios outside their control – for example following their use in laboratories, exploitative industries such as the film industry and roadside zoos, or surrendered/rescued from illegal or inhumane private ownership.
Not only do we provide daily, long-term care to our residents year-
round, but we lobby for change in governmental regulations surrounding exotic animal ownership and the fate of primates serving in research facilities.

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