2023 Tri-State Christian School Auction

Tri State Christian School
October 2023
08:00 AM CDT
November 2023
10:00 PM CST
GOAL $15,000.00
65.6% To Goal

About Our Auction

The 2023 Auction will be used to support K-12 education and ongoing student programs at Tri-State Christian School. Enjoy bidding on these great items! Want to donate directly to TSCS? Please use the green "donate" button to do so!
Thank you for supporting our students!

2 Ways to Bid!
Exact - You can put an exact bid on any item at any time before the auction closes.
Proxy - You can choose your max bid for each item and it will automatically outbid other bidders incrementally. It will stop placing bids for you once it gets to your max. This is an easy way to "set it and forget it!"

About Tri State Christian School

Tri-State Christian School partners with parents to educate students from a biblical worldview for excellence in lifelong learning and Christ-like Character.

Tri-State Christian School will equip students to acquire wisdom, knowledge and a biblical worldview and to serve Christ as they integrate all of God's truth into their lives. ​

The mission and vision statements of Tri-State Christian School are based on the educational presuppositions stating that all truth is God's truth, the Christian Bible, as God's inspired Word, was given as a guide for faith and practice, and an effective Christian education integrates biblical truth and principles into all classroom teaching and all school related activities.

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