Shatter the Glass 2022 Silent Auction

Reclaim Foundation
August 2022
05:00 PM PDT
August 2022
08:34 PM PDT

About Our Auction

Thank you for participating in Reclaim Foundatin's 2022 Silent Auction! All proceeds from this auction will be used by Reclaim Foundation to directly support trauma survivors and fund our initiatives in 2023 and beyond. We have exciting announcements coming soon to make more of an impact in our community.

Here's how your purchase of an auction item can help us reach our goals:

$1 adds up to support the launch and continued access to our survivor-focused programs.

$150 provides 1 therapy session for a trauma survivor.

$500 allows Reclaim Foundation to host Reclaim Network for an additional year. Reclaim Network provides a free 24/7 online community for those impacted by trauma.

$900 provides 1 individual a full round of therapy per our Therapy Assistance Program.

$10,000 allows Reclaim Foundation to host a trauma survivor retreat. This retreat would be an interactive weekend to aid in a safe and comfortable community event where they will be given resources/tools to help aid in their trauma recovery journey, without having to deal with the financial burden of attending.

$21,000 funds one service dog for a trauma survivor in need.

Happy bidding - every dollar helps to add up to support one of Reclaim Foundation's larger programs!

About Reclaim Foundation

Reclaim Foundation connects survivors of traumatic events to others from similar situations in order to nurture growth and healing within our online environment. Reclaim Foundation is also aware that when traumatic events occur, family and friends can benefit from a supportive community to uplift the survivors in their lives. With this in mind, Reclaim Foundation provides useful resources to help those affected by trauma. Some of our fundamental goals focus on raising awareness on the occurrence and impact of traumatic events, assisting with some trauma-related costs, and engaging in activities that empower survivors to reclaim their lives in the wake of trauma.

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