Rosh Hashana 5781

BAY Shul
September 2020
01:00 AM CDT
September 2020
03:00 PM CDT
GOAL $2,500.00
113.4% REACHED!

About Our Auction

Take this opportunity to join our auction and purchase an honor now before Rosh Hashana.

It is a special privilege to receive an Aliya or honor on the High Holiday of Rosh Hashana.

You have the opportunity for a tremendous merit on the Day of Judgment by participating in this auction and fulfilling the mitzvah of tzedakah as well as honoring and showing gratitude to the Rabbis of our community, our Chazanim and our Gabbaim.

This year more than ever we need your help. Unfortunately, many of our members will not be able to join us this year. Your help is greatly appreciated.

The honors listed below will be given to the designated people on the first day of Rosh Hashana and you have the opportunity to honor them with your purchase. All additional honors on the first day and all honors on the second day of Rosh Hashana you can purchase for yourself on in honor of someone else.

Kohen - Danny Hechtman, President
Levi - Gerry Shacter
Shlishi - Rabbi Eliezer Grunberg
Revii - Rabbi Sholom Francis
Chamishi - R' Moshe Mermelstein (Mussaf Chazzan)
Maftir - Rabbi Shimon Zehnwirth (Shacharis Chazzan)
Hagbah & Gelila (first Torah) - Daniel Solomon & Victor Sidlow

About BAY Shul

BAY Shul – Bais Ahavas Yisroel located Buffalo Grove Town Center. BAY Shul is an anchor of the Jewish community of Buffalo Grove and the surrounding suburbs – as a shul and as an outreach center.
Warm and dynamic Rabbi
Minyanim 3 times daily
Shabbat minyan and kiddush
Weekly classes
Holiday programs and activities
Guest lecturers
Learning opportunities
and more...

Learn More