08:00 PM BST
09:30 PM GMT
About Our Auction
The RWA’s ever-popular Secret Postcard Auction is back for another year, offering the chance to purchase unique works of art by artists including leading figures from the art and cultural world from just £40, while supporting the RWA’s extensive work with individuals and communities across Bristol and beyond (Registered Charity 1070163).
We’ve got another amazing line-up this year, with hundreds of artworks to bid on. Each one measures roughly 14x19cm (unless otherwise stated), is signed on the back and accompanied by a certificate of authentication.
Since the artists remain a secret until after the auction, you can either guess who the big name artists are or just buy what you like. Bidding on each work starts at just £40, which is a very reasonable price for a unique piece of art, and if it turns out to be by an internationally famous artist, it may be worth multiple times more!
Because of the value of the artworks, we are not able to offer the option to Gift Aid your donation. If you would like to support the RWA, as well as bidding on a postcard, you can either make a donation on top of your bid which we will receive if you are the winning bidder, or you can make a donation here https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/11843#!/DonationDetails
You can find out more about the Auction here on our blog, including terms and conditions:-
Norman Ackroyd RA ∙ Julia Adams ∙ Lidija Antansijevic RWA ∙ ashar ∙ Malcolm Ashman RWA RBA ∙ Vicki Atkinson ∙ Lucy Austin RWA ∙ Louise Balaam RWA ∙ Derek Balmer PPRWA ∙ Helen Barff ∙ Denis Baxter RWA ∙ Glen Baxter ∙ James Beale RWA RE ∙ Nicola Bealing RWA ∙ Judith Beeby ∙ Martin Bentham RWA ∙ Iain Biggs RWA ∙ Amy-Jane Blackhall ∙ Clive Blackmore RWA ∙ Vera Boele-Keimer RWA ∙ Jane Boot ∙ Neil Bousfield ∙ Olwyn Bowey RA ARCA RWA (Hon) ∙ Sir Frank Bowling RA ∙ Martyn Brewster ∙ Holly Brodie ∙ John Brooks ∙ Jon Buck RWA ARBS ∙ Rebecca Buchanan RWA ∙ Matthew Burrows ∙ John Butler RWA ∙ Joyce Cairns PRSA RWA (Hon) ∙ David Carpanini RWA PPRE Hon∙ RWS NEAC ∙ Jane Carpanini RWA RWS ∙ Beth Carter RWA ∙ Jill Carter ∙ Dorcas Casey RWA ∙ Nigel G Casseldine RWA ∙ Ian Chamberlain ∙ Amanda Chambers RWA ∙ Nancy Chambers ∙ Jane Chetwynd ∙ Faith Chevannes ∙ Rebecca Child ∙ Ann Christopher RA ∙ Elaine Collett ∙ Dallas Collins RWA ∙ Eileen Cooper RA ∙ Jessica Cooper RWA ∙ Sioban Coppinger FRSS ∙ Louisa Crispin ∙ Dr∙ P∙ J Crook MBE RWA ∙ Yvonne Crossley PhD RWA ∙ Anthony Curtis Dip∙A∙E RWA Hon BSc ∙ Rosalind Cuthbert RWA ∙ Adelaide Damoah RWA FRSA ∙ Toni Davey RWA ∙ Philomena Davidson PPRSS RWA RSA ∙ Katie Davies RWA ∙ Patrick Daw RWA ∙ Jeremy Deller ∙ Simon Drew ∙ Sara Dudman RWA ∙ Deborah Duffin MRSS ∙ Chris Dunseath RWA ∙ John Eaves RWA ∙ Seyed Edalatpour RWA RWA ∙ Adrian Edwards ∙ Gareth Edwards RWA ∙ Karen Edwards RWA ∙ Martin Edwards ∙ Anthony Eyton RA RWA ∙ Susan Foord RWA ∙ Peter Ford RE RWA ∙ Ros Ford RWA ∙ Laura Freeman ∙ Steph Garrett ∙ Stewart Geddes PPRWA ∙ Gilbert & George RA ∙ Anna Gillespie RWA ∙ Sarah Gillespie RWA ∙ Christopher Glanville RWA ∙ Leslie Glenn Damhus RWA ∙ Jenny Graham ∙ Leonard Green ∙ Adam Grose ∙ Stacey Guthrie ∙ Frances Gynn RWA ∙ Trevor Haddrell RWA ∙ Olive Haigh ∙ Maggi Hambling ∙ Susie Hamilton ∙ Jonny Hannah ∙ Marcelle Hanselaar ∙ Niki Hare ∙ Andrew Hardwick RWA ∙ Tim Harrisson RWA ∙ Patrick Haughton ∙ Harry Hill ∙ Tina Hill ∙ Thorie Hinds ∙ Terri Hogan ∙ Laura Howarth ∙ Moira Huntly RWA PPS RI RSMA ∙ Dr Kurt Jackson RWA ∙ Stephen Jacobson VPRWA ∙ Katherine Jones RA ∙ Lesley Jones ∙ Judith Jones RWA ∙ Béa Kayani ∙ Janette Kerr PhD PRWA ∙ Alan Kingsbury RWA ∙ Catherine Knight ∙ Nicky Knowles RWA ∙ Andrew Lanyon ∙ Ellika Larsson ∙ Christopher Le Brun PPRA RWA (Hon) ∙ Tom Leaper ∙ Cynthia Lear RWA ∙ Debbie Lee ∙ Fan Lee ∙ Sara Lee ∙ Angela Lizon RWA ∙ Christopher Lloyd ∙ Denny Long RWA ∙ Sir Richard Long CBE RA RWA (Hon) ∙ Peter Lord CBE ∙ Juliette Losq RWA ∙ Will Maclean RSA ∙ Anne Magill ∙ Barry Martin ∙ Gail Mason ∙ Jock McFadyen RA ∙ George Meyrick ∙ Natasha Michaels ∙ Ian Middleton RWA ∙ Mali Morris RA ∙ Jenny Morse ∙ Alice Mumford RWA ∙ Andrew Munoz RWA ∙ Roger Moss ∙ David Nash RA ∙ Maureen Nathan ∙ Maureen Nathan ∙ Midge Naylor RWA ∙ Rachael Nee RWA ∙ Kate Newington ∙ Nina Ogden ∙ Chris Orr RA ∙ Nick Park CBE ∙ Janine Partington ∙ Brian Pearse ∙ Howard Phipps RWA ∙ Ruth Piper ∙ Tristan Pollard ∙ Michael Porter RWA ∙ Sandra Porter RWA ∙ Mark Prescott RWA ∙ Nik Ramage RWA ∙ Peter Randall-Page RA RSA RBS RWA Hon D'Art ∙ Maxine Relton RWA ∙ David Remfry MBE RA ∙ Wendy Rhodes ∙ Carol Robertson RWA ∙ Fiona Robinson PRWA ∙ Rosalind Robinson RWA SWA ∙ Anne Rothenstein RWA ∙ Cecilia Rouncefield ∙ Mary Rouncefield ∙ Charlotte Price RWA ∙ Tom Russell RWA ∙ Rebecca Salter PRA RWA (Hon) ∙ Paul Seed ∙ Terry Setch RA RWA ∙ Robin Sewell ∙ Miriam Sheppard ∙ Katy Shepherd ∙ Christopher Shurrock RWA ∙ Penny Simons ∙ Jennie Slater ∙ Laurie Steen RWA ∙ Emma Stibbon RA RWA ∙ Barrington Tabb RWA ∙ Mellony Taper ∙ Louise Thompson ∙ Onny Thomson ∙ Sam Toft ∙ Nicholas Turner RWA ∙ Elizabeth Turrell RWA ∙ George Tute RWA (Hon) ∙ Patricia Volk RWA ∙ Amanda Wallwork RWA ∙ Stephen Walter ∙ Janet Watson RWA ∙ Deborah Westmancoat RWA ∙ Sue Whale RWA ∙ Anthony Whishaw RA RWA (Hon) ∙ Alison Wilding RA ∙ Lucy Willis RWA ∙ Joy Wolfenden Brown ∙ Bill Woodrow RA ∙ Lisa Wright RWA ∙ Hamish Young RWA ∙
We are hugely grateful to all the artists who have supported us by donating artworks.
We are also grateful for the support of St Cuthberts Mill and The Print Company.
About Royal West of England Academy
The RWA has been bringing great art to Bristol since 1844. We are unique not just in Bristol, but in the UK, in being a purpose-built Royal Academy of Art: somewhere that not only exhibits the best of historic and contemporary art, but that also nurtures new talent for the future, and does so using one of the most beautiful exhibition spaces in the country.
Last year’s Secret Postcard Auction raised almost £90,000 for the RWA's work, engaging some of Bristol's most vulnerable communities, at the RWA and in the community.
Thanks to such support, we are now recognised for making art and creativity accessible for everyone, which we have done through developing meaningful, respectful and lasting relationships with some of Bristol's most underserved communities. We do all this no public subsidy, and in the face of the current cost of living crisis it is harder than ever to do this, so the Secret Postcard Auction is essential for this work to continue.
Other projects we’re working on, or have been working on, with communities recently include:-
• Tuesday Teatime Tours for people living with dementia and their companions
• Projects and exhibitions with disabled adults
• School holiday workshops for families and children and school group visits to exhibitions
• Happy Mondays sessions for autistic children and children with profound and multiple learning disabilities
• Free family Scribble and Sketch creative sessions in four areas of deprivation in Bristol
• Relaxed tours of the exhibition for babies under 12 months
Registered Charity No 1070163