08:00 AM CDT
05:15 PM CDT
About Our Auction
The RKSTC Annual Art Show & Auction is a fundraising event for the UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center, a pro bono, pediatric, student-run occupational therapy clinic that provides occupational therapy services to local children with disabilities who are uninsured or underinsured. For the art show, children with disabilities across the Mid-South donate original art work that is auctioned off in a silent online auction . Local artists also donate their artwork.
About UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center
The UTHSC Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center (RKSTC) is a student-run pro bono clinic. We serve underinsured and uninsured children from birth to 18 years. Occupational therapy (OT) services are provided by students with the direct supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. Services provided include consultation, evaluation, individual treatment, and parent/family education.
Featured Items

A Magical Window
8" x 10"- A Magical Window

Flowers Artwork
8" x 10" - Flowers Artwork

Handy Dandy
8" x 10" - Handy Dandy

Jungle King
Jungle King 12" x 12"

Peaceful View
Peaceful View 16" x 10"

Pink Fish
9" x 12" - Pink Fish

Stain Glass Mosaic
8" x 10" -Stain Glass Mosaic

Wash Day Love by N.J. Woods
10" x 10" - Wash Day Love