"One Love Evanston" Amanda Evanston Originals

The Main-Dempster Mile
February 2022
06:00 PM CST
February 2022
07:00 PM CST
GOAL $1,000.00
49.0% To Goal

About Our Auction

BUY ORIGINAL ART, SUPPORT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, AND DO GOOD: 10% of each winning bid will be given to an Evanston charity of the winner's choice. The rest will fund Main-Dempster Mile programs and events.

Popular artist Amanda Evanston has donated five original works of art for auction. Each numbered work is covered with hearts in Amanda's distinctive style, and say "I love Evanston" (some also have an MDM easter egg for hyper-locals :)

About the artwork: In the beginning, Amanda worked on a massive cloth (see https://www.instagram.com/p/CZQKy6KO_DM/) that was then divided into pieces. Each piece was then embellished with final touches.

Our greatest thanks to Amanda for her time, effort, generosity and neighborly spirit with this donation. Read more about Amanda, take a class, or purchase her art at http://www.amandaevanston.com/

About The Main-Dempster Mile

The Main-Dempster Mile is a community organization dedicated to making our neighborhood more walkable, shoppable, livable and delightful. Our district is home to an active community of more than 200 independent businesses located along Chicago Avenue, Main Street, and Dempster Street in the southeast corner of Evanston. The area is anchored by two CTA stations and the Main Street Metra station, creating a transit-oriented and walkable neighborhood that offers residents and visitors a variety of unique options for shopping, dining, and entertainment in some of the oldest commercial buildings in Evanston.

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