ODBF Auction 2023

June 2023
02:00 PM EDT
June 2023
03:00 PM EDT

About Our Auction

In 2023, ODBF will be supporting several local charities who provide essential programs and services throughout Ottawa including:

Ausome Ottawa
Christie Lake Kids
Waupoos Foundation
Helping with Furniture

Thank you for supporting these amazing local charities!

Special thanks to the many businesses who contributed to our auction and have generously supported our fundraising efforts!

About ODBF

Established to focus on philanthropic efforts in the local community, ODBF has raised $5.5 million in support of 75 charities.

Our mission is to help build, strengthen, and enhance community life in Ottawa by raising, managing, and distributing funds to charitable organizations.

Registered Charity #: 867660201 RR0001

Learn More

Live Event Information

Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival June 22-25, 2023

The in-person silent auction will take place at
Mooney's Bay Park located at:
2960 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8N6

Thursday, June 22: 5:00pm-9:00pm

Friday, June 23: 5:00pm-9:00pm

Saturday, June 24: 9:00pm-9:00pm

Sunday, June 25: 9:00am-2:00pm

The silent auction will close on Sunday, June 25 at 2:00pm.