12:00 PM PDT
At Midnight PDT
About Our Auction
The online auction this year contains Seattle Storm Memorabilia for the ultimate Storm fan. Got something you want to donate? Please call 206-554-9600 and let us know. These items are hot, so bid now!
About Outreach and Resource Services for Women Veterans
Outreach And Resource Services (OARS) for Women Veterans is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose sole mission is to provide women who served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America re-entry and readjustment services through outreach and resources, information and training. We strive to attain for each woman veteran all the rights and benefits earned through her service. Women who are veterans, active duty, reservists, and U.S. Military retired are eligible for membership in OARS, and our services are available to any woman who served during any period, war or peacetime.