Re-Birth The Earth Auction

My BodYoga
May 2020
02:00 PM EDT
June 2020
01:00 PM EDT
GOAL $5,000.00
64.0% To Goal

About Our Auction

Re- Birth the Earth Auction symbolizes awakening into a NEW EARTH,
planting positivity, raising the vibration on the planet with deep convictions and intention as we navigate through change. Our world has been going through shifts and change during this quarantine as it has affected our lives on so many layers.
In the big picture, human connection is crucial to the quality of living, to the vitality of our collective consciousness. Let's be a force of nature that brings community back together again in the most profound way.

We were excited to have had two successful auctions prior to our now third. They say three is a charm. We have re-stocked with some awesome mind, body, soul stuff, take a peak on-line.

We have been working on a little re-purpose, recycle, & face-lift to the studio. It's important to get the studio clean, sterilized and prepared for when we get back and follow our health and safety guidelines for conducting business. We are continually blessed by so many in our My BodYoga family, supporting us with your positivity, encouragement, auctions, keeping up with memberships, donations, visiting our on-line store to keep us going until we get the green light to open our doors again. We appreciate you and thank you for your kindness.

We will be announcing a Re-Grand Opening Date this week. Check your emails for our newsletter updates.

**Also, Yoga Teacher Training is coming in the Fall 2020 and we have an incredible savings exclusively for the auction. Auction bidding starts at 50% off for this training

Have fun in the auction.

(We are committed to honoring every student who has a package or monthly membership. My BodYoga will add an extension for all the days we have been out of the studio during this quarantine. Classes will be not be lost and expirations extended.)

About My BodYoga

Yoga Community
My BodYoga's vision strives to build a strong (Sangha) community of health and wellness enthusiasts as we teach with compassion and a joy of enriching lives through INSPIRING students to embody the higher self towards a purposed filled life. We experience our heart and soul space in a profound way as we become light filled and our vibration begins to climb through the physical, mental, emotional, energetic layers of our being.

The practice of (Seva) service in daily life opens up the pathways for kindness to grow and gratitude to overflow leaving less space for the mind to be busy or burdened.

Ultimately We offer the practice (Sādhanā) that supports you in the journey to a harmonious experience as you learn how to meditate through movement and stillness building flexibility, strength, coordination.

The mind develops an awareness to the soul’s whisper to let go of patterns within the mind and body that no longer serve as you develop freedom of self to live your best life forward. A path to personal development and growth emerges with wisdom and aspiration as you embody practices that integrate body, life, mind, heart and soul.

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