09:00 AM MST
08:15 PM MST
About Our Auction
Legend Springs PTA is hosting our Annual Fun Festival & Silent Auction. All proceeds from the Fun Festival Silent Auction benefit Legend Springs Elementary students - funds will be used to support the school's first Filtered Water Bottle Filling Station. Let's help get cleaner, healthier water within our students' reach!
About Legend Springs Elementary PTA
The primary mission of Legend Springs Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to support students, staff and families at Legend Springs Elementary School. Our goal is to raise money for supplemental educational items, activities and school improvements.
Featured Items
#1 Four (4) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (A)
4 Park Hopper Passes
#2 Four (4) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (B)
4 Park Hopper Passes
#3 Four (4) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (D)
4 Park Hopper Passes
#4 Four (4) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (C)
4 Park Hopper Passes
#5 Two (2) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (1)
2 Park Hopper Passes
#6 Two (2) Disneyland 1-Day Hopper Passes (2)
2 Park Hopper Passes
#7 Private Wine Class for 20 (A)
Wine tasting party for 20 people
#8 Private Wine Class for 20 (B)
Wine tasting party for 20 people
#9 Sylvan Edge STEM Basket
Legos, STEM Activities, STEM group class, Sylvan swag