BRIDGE's Luxury Beauty Holiday Gift Auction

December 2021
09:00 AM EST
December 2021
12:30 PM EST
GOAL $3,000.00
75.0% To Goal

About Our Auction

Prestige fragrance, candles, skincare, and makeup gift sets.


December 8th-19th, 2020 BRIDGE Holiday SJIA Auction

BRIDGE is a non-profit organization dedicated to catalyzing change and integration through promoting mutual respect and understanding. Through community organizing and training we aim to create trust, safety and conditions for thriving for underserved communities.

Since 2007, BRIDGE has been “promoting mutual understanding and respect among diverse groups serving as a resource to both local institutions and the community at large. We serve as catalysts for change and integration through collaboration, education, training, dialogue, fellowship and advocacy."

Through a 360 degree perspective on community and civic participation, BRIDGE has designed a holistic approach to community and public health. BRIDGE's goal is to impact hearts, minds and behaviors that result in positive cultural shifts and systemic changes in policy, law and practice towards a more just, safe and equitable society.

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