2024 Hanover Lions April Action Auction

Hanover (NH) Lions Club
April 2024
07:00 AM EDT
April 2024
10:00 PM EDT
GOAL $2,500.00
142.4% REACHED!

About Our Auction

The 2024 April Action Auction will raise money for two local organizations: Youth-in-Action, which provides an opportunity for Hanover High School students to hone their service to the community; and Visions for Creative Housing Solutions, which is building a home in Hanover for twelve adults with developmental disabilities. All the proceeds of this auction will be split between these two important service groups.

About Hanover (NH) Lions Club

The Hanover Lions Club was founded in 1937, and our motto is “We Serve.” We collect eyeglasses and offer eye exams for needy local residents. We serve meals to senior citizens. We host the barbecue tent at the Prouty. We run food drives, donate funds to local shelters, and sponsor local sports teams and scouts. We support the development of nature preserves and sports fields. Most recently, we began hosting the Hanover Lions Health Closet where people can borrow walkers, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment. In the end, we encourage service, and we recognize Hanover High School seniors who have committed themselves to the local and global community. We are your neighbors, and we serve.

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