09:00 AM EDT
09:00 PM EDT
About Our Auction
FOSTL has six wonderfully decorated little libraries currently on display at the Woolson Block. They will return to the Springfield Town Library on July 20th. They were built by volunteers with materials supplied by the Rotary Club of Springfield. Various local artists have put fantastic finishing touches on them.
Auction proceeds will be used to purchase equipment to better host in-person and online programs in the library. If you do not wish to bid, but would like to support the fundraiser, you may click on the DONATE button to help FOSTL's efforts to improve library programs.
Winners of each 'library' will be able to take them home and set them up at their choice of places (post and installation are not included). They will have an initial supply of books in them to share with your friends and neighbors.
If bidders do not have a location but still wish to support FOSTL, the Springfield Housing Authority has offered to place one or more of them at their facilities for families to enjoy.
The online auction will be available until 9 PM on July 20th.
The auction will resume as an in-person auction at the Springfield Town Library on Thursday, July 21st from 9 AM - 7 PM during our July Patron Appreciation Day. We'll have coffee and refreshments available throughout the day.
The library will also have entertainment and refreshments from 5 - 8 PM. Come check us out and be the final bidder on the item of your choice.
Winning bidders will be notified. Credit card payments are available via PayPal. Cash or checks made out to "Friends of Springfield Town Library" will also be accepted.
Winners will be responsible for picking up their "free-brary" at the library by Monday, July 25th at 7 PM.
About Friends of Springfield Town Library (FOSTL)
The Friends of Springfield Town Library (FOSTL) was organized as a Vermont non-profit corporation in 1989 to support the Library. It focuses public attention on the Library, encourages the use of its resources and services, provides additional resources and services not funded through tax support, and encourages and receives gifts and bequests to benefit the Library.
Membership is open to everyone interested in supporting the Library. The Annual Book Sale is the major fundraising activity for the Friends. Along with Membership Dues and Donations, FOSTL is able to provide exceptional extra support for the Library every year.
Live Event Information
The live in-person auction will take place at the Springfield Town Library on Thursday, July 21st from 9 AM - 7 PM during our July Patron Appreciation Day. We'll have coffee and refreshments available throughout the day.
The library will also have entertainment and refreshments from 5 - 8 PM. Come check us out and be the final bidder on the item of your choice.
Winners will be notified by 9 PM on Thursday, July 21st. Payment by credit card, debit card, or PayPal will be available. Cash or checks, made out to Friends of Springfield Town Library, will be accepted.
Featured Items

Oh the Places You Go When You Have Access to Books
Wendi Germain (artist) & Rod Arnold (builder)

Steampunk Springfield
Karen Longo of Dragonfly Designs (artist) and Chip Longo (builder)

Becky Tucker (artist) & Rod Arnold (builder)

Take a book. Leave a book.
Corey Mitchell (artist) & Rod Arnold (builder)

Tell Me A Story
MōNa FrYe (artist) & Rod Arnold (builder)

There's "Gnome" Place Like a Library
Donna Cummings (artist) & Karl Riotte (builder)