Fishers Elementary School - Silent Auction 2022 banner image

Fishers Elementary School - Silent Auction 2022

Fishers Elementary PTO
March 2022
04:00 PM EDT
March 2022
09:12 PM EDT
GOAL $2,500.00
95.7% To Goal

Fishers Elementary School - Silent Auction 2022

Thank you for checking out our FES Silent Auction which your support means so much not only to the children of FES, but also to the teachers, support staff.

This Silent Auction helps with classroom parties, projects for teachers, field trips transportation. The PTO is here to support a community of all those that attend this little school. Let's see how we can support for their future.

About Fishers Elementary PTO

The Fishers Elementary PTO is a group of caring and committed parents who volunteer their time and skills to assist in the development of programs and initiatives that enrich our student’s educational experience. In partnership with the school’s administration we provide supplemental funding for classroom supplies, student programs and technology, as well as extra-curricular activities, field trips, and events. Additionally, we are committed to providing support to students from low-income families so every child at FES has every opportunity to achieve excellence.

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