Save The Farmyard

The Farmyard
November 2021
05:00 PM EST
December 2021
11:48 PM EST

About Our Auction

Dear Farmyard Family,

As the owner of The Farmyard, I have been tasked with the challenge of purchasing the property at 21133 Old York Road in Parkton, Maryland. It is currently co-owned by two parties – my father, Steve, and my grandmother’s trust. Due to unresolvable differences between family members, The Farmyard property will undergo a forced sale on December 8th.

We are unable to bear this financial burden on our own. I am reaching out to our community, or as many of our patrons know it as “The Farmyard Family,” to help us take on this uphill climb. We anticipate the appraisal to exceed $1 million of which we have to generate 50 percent.

My team and I will do everything in our power to continue to operate The Farmyard, but we can’t do it without you.

Yours truly,

Renee Wilson

Farmyard Owner

About The Farmyard

The Farmyard is a place for everyone to enjoy and gain a hands-on experience with agriculture. With a fun mix of education, fun, local products, crops, classes, events and animals this agritourism hotspot offers opportunities for all ages.

In 2016, Renée Wilson and her family started The Farmyard to provide the community with opportunities to learn about the agriculture industry and share experiences of life on the farm.

Growing up on a dairy farm, Renée and her sister, Haley, enjoyed giving farm tours to local schools, serving as advocates for agriculture and bringing their animals to community events. Like many children, animals were a highlight for the girls. They learned valuable life lessons of responsibility, hard work, and animal husbandry.

Their father, Steve, operated the family dairy farm, which at the peak of the business, housed more than 600 animals. He and his wife Kelly, encouraged the girls to share their love with the community by taking their passion a step forward through The Farmyard and help families develop a love and understanding of farm animals too.

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