BPF "Backing the Green" Auction

Border Patrol Foundation
May 2020
06:00 AM EDT
June 2020
10:00 PM EDT

About Our Auction

BPF has had to postpone some of our fundraising events to ensure the health and safety of our supporters but we are still working hard to support the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol.

The funds raised from the auction of these items will help provide support to our diverse programs that provide financial assistance to the families of fallen and active duty Border Patrol Agents.

About Border Patrol Foundation

The mission of the Border Patrol Foundation (BPF) is to honor the memory of fallen U.S. Border Patrol Agents and provide support and resources to the surviving families. BPF provides support to those employed by the Border Patrol for on– and off-duty deaths, injuries, illnesses, family medical emergencies, and student scholarships.

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