09:00 AM PST
09:05 PM PST
About Our Auction
We're a small group of makers banding together to help raise money for Reverend Raphael Warnock's runoff. Romancelandia unites to help fund other campaigns, and Fair Fight, and refugees, and trans kids, and...well, you get the picture. Because they inspired us to do this, we'd like winning bidders to donate to:
If you'd like to donate but don't want stuff, you are welcome to donate at any time!
U.S. Citizens:
Everyone else:
Your contribution can be split between Black Voters Matter Fund, New Georgia Project Action Fund, Fair Fight, and Raphael Warnock.
About Artists for Warnock
We are artists, readers, and people who love democracy! We want to help push Warnock over the finish line, and we're auctioning off items made with our own two hands (plus a bit of swearing) to do it!