12:15 AM CST
07:00 PM CST
About Our Auction
The purpose of this auction is to generate funds for the Mindfulness Connections program that serve the person's living with demential with Art, Music and Social Engagment activities in the Kenora/Rainy River district.
This will also provide awareness of the Programs and Services that the Alzhiemer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts.
About Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts
Vision and mission
Our Vision: To ensure every individual diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and their family is connected with a learning community to support them through the Alzheimer's journey.
Our Mission: The Alzheimer Society of Kenora/Rainy River Districts alleviates the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, provides awareness and education and supports research.