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06:00 PM CST
About Washington County Elder Care
Our mission is to help aging adults live healthy lives independently. Elder Care provides a broad range of support services for aging adults and for more than 40 years has been a resource for families on all things aging-in-place. We work with families to reach their goals for remaining independent.
We are not a residential facility, but are a resource center that includes a health clinic and outpatient therapy for adults of any age. Our programs include an adult day health & activity center and in-home companion and caregiving, and housekeeping and errand services.
For a complete overview of our services, please visit our website: AboutElderCare.org.
About Our Auction
Jerry Poppenhouse, world photographer, donated a collection of his photographic art to Elder Care. The donated collection will be displayed at the Bartlesville Community Center in the Lyon Art Gallery from January 4 through January 30 and nine pieces are featured in this online auction hosted by Elder Care.
View the pieces in-person at the Lyon Art Gallery during the Bartlesville Community Center's business hours, 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday. Auction items can also be viewed any time on this auction site.
All proceeds benefit Elder Care. Following the close of the in-person exhibit at the BCC on January 30, 2023, the online auction will continue until February 14, 2023.
No in-person bidding. Only online bidding available for this event.
This fundraiser is made possible through the generous support of the Bartlesville Community Center, The Lyon Art Gallery, and Jerry Poppenhouse.